PBI - 北京加维通讯电子技术有限公司是一家专业的数字电视前端设备和机顶盒的生产厂家,业务范围包括有线电视、卫星电视、数字多媒体、无线通讯和宽带等系列产品的设计、生产、销售和维修服务。作为跨国经营的综合性集团公司,自1993年10月在中国大陆设立以来,陆续在全国各地及美国、欧洲、中东、香港等地开设了子公司、工厂、代表处、发货仓库和维修中心,已形成高效而快速的技术开发设计、生产、销售和服务网络体系。
PBI 致力于前端产品的开发,具有有线数字电视前端、有线模拟电视前端、光纤传输等完整的系列化产品,并已广泛应用于国内外各种规模的有线电视系统中。 PBI可提供MPEG-2数字压缩编码器、数字多路复用器、专业的 QPSK/QAM 数字解调 / 解码器、QPSK/QAM 调制器、加扰器等数字电视前端产品以及完整配套的模拟前端系列器材,如各种规格的邻频调制器、有线电视解调器、调频广播调制器、混合器等。所有的前端设备均符合国家标准并通过国家3C 认证和广电总局入网许可。
PBI 是世界上专业的机顶盒生产厂家,拥有设备先进的专业化生产基地,通过了 ISO9001 质量体系认证及 ISO14001 欧洲环保认证。产品包括有线数字电视机顶盒、卫星数字电视机顶盒、 HDTV 高清数字接收机、 IP 双模接收机等、移动电视接收机、 PVR 接收机等。 PBI 的机顶盒产品集成了国内外主流的 CA 系统和中间件系统,满足信号加密和交互应用的需要。结合 PBI 的无线宽带产品,为您打造一个真正的数字家庭。
PBI 是专业的 LNB 生产厂家,具有全系列的 C/Ku 波段 LNB ,产销量均位于世界前茅。尤其是 Gold-1040 和 Turbo-2100 等已广泛应用于村村通工程和远程教育系统。
PBI 配套完整的系列产品,稳定的性能,良好的售后服务,已深获广大用户的信赖和大力支持爱护。 PBI 愿与所有的合作伙伴一起共同致力于我国数字电视和宽带系统的建设和发展,并为广大用户提供更新、更好的产品和服务。
PBI 与您拥有共同的未来,请与 PBI 一起跨进数字信息时代的前列!
PBI 是世界上专业的机顶盒生产厂家,拥有设备先进的专业化生产基地,通过了 ISO9001 质量体系认证及 ISO14001 欧洲环保认证。产品包括有线数字电视机顶盒、卫星数字电视机顶盒、 HDTV 高清数字接收机、 IP 双模接收机等、移动电视接收机、 PVR 接收机等。 PBI 的机顶盒产品集成了国内外主流的 CA 系统和中间件系统,满足信号加密和交互应用的需要。结合 PBI 的无线宽带产品,为您打造一个真正的数字家庭。
PBI 是专业的 LNB 生产厂家,具有全系列的 C/Ku 波段 LNB ,产销量均位于世界前茅。尤其是 Gold-1040 和 Turbo-2100 等已广泛应用于村村通工程和远程教育系统。
PBI 配套完整的系列产品,稳定的性能,良好的售后服务,已深获广大用户的信赖和大力支持爱护。 PBI 愿与所有的合作伙伴一起共同致力于我国数字电视和宽带系统的建设和发展,并为广大用户提供更新、更好的产品和服务。
PBI 与您拥有共同的未来,请与 PBI 一起跨进数字信息时代的前列!
Founded in 1993, PBI (Pro Broadband Inc.). manages to develop and manufacture high quality and state-of-the-art products to meet the digital market demands. With over 26 years of expertise in consumer electronic software and hardware engineering, PBI embarks on an advanced design, manufacturing and integration program in the industry of Digital Multimedia, Broadband Access, and Wireless Communications.
PBI leverages its core hardware and software technology across three fast growing markets: Digital Multimedia, Broadband Access, and Wireless Communications. PBI's technology is based on years of research and development experience in DVB and MPEG standards. We have made significant investments in developing software for conditional access,common interface, interactive middleware and addressable signal decoding. We have successfully achieved a high level of embedded system integration in digital CATV headend broadcasting system, household IRDs, and microwave accessaries. In addition to technical proficiency, our product development benefits from world-class, cost efficient engineering and has strong relationships with key industry players such as ST, NEC, OKI,Panasonic Siemens, Philips,Nagra,Irdeto, Viaccess, and so on.
have successfully achieved a high level of embedded system integration in digital CATV headend broadcasting system, household IRDs, and microwave accessaries. In addition to technical proficiency, our product development benefits from world-class, cost efficient engineering and has strong relationships with key industry players such as ST, NEC, OKI,Panasonic Siemens, Philips,Nagra,Irdeto, Viaccess, and so on.
Committed to the development of headend production, PBI has a world-wide application in the digital and analog CATV network. The digital headend equipments range from MPEG-2 digital encoder, digital multiplexer, professional QPSK/QAM transmodulator, QPSK/QAM modulator to scrambler; the analog headend equipment varies from adjacent modulator, FM radio modulator and combiner etc. All headend equipment are in line with national standards of China and have been certified by the National government firm CCC and SARFT.Equipped with an advanced and specialized production base and certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 system, PBI is a professional STB manufacturer. PBI's products include digital Satellite/Cable/Terrestrial STBs, HDTV receiver, IP+DVB receivers, Mobile television receiver, and PVR receiver. Integrated varied CA system and middleware, PBI STB enables program encryption and interactive applications. PBI is also a full range C/Ku-band LNB manufacturer for all different applications in the whole world.
Low-Cost Operations
At PBI, we leverage talent and resources around the great China area to develop, manufacture and market our products. Product development is done in Beijing , tapping a wealth of highly trained, cost-efficient resources. Project management is planned in Chung-Li (Taiwan Silicon Valley), gathering sufficient material/components and fast marketing information environment. Manufacturing is performed by PBI ISO qualified factories in China . Further R&D outsourcing is obtained from selected software/firmware partners in India , China , Taiwan and France . PBI management team works together to set strategy and guide the company at cost efficiency to meet the worldwide markets competition.
PBI emphasizes services by providing fast reaction and on-time delivery to meet customers'needs. Hardware has become a basic tool since the digital information era has begun, thus, the quality of the software is also what we promise to PBI users. With our prompt product logistics, we are able to build a fast reaction, on-time engineering service, and low-cost manufacturing hub in Asia for our OEM/ODM customers.
The 21st Century Target
We build ourselves as our customers'own affiliated R&D and manufacturing center in Asia . We have made every effort and investment in R&D, production, inventory and logistic resources to fulfill custom-design requirement. Nevertheless, our best performance is our customers'satisfaction. We will continue to make every possible effort to achieve our corporate goals - a major OEM/ODM supplier in Asia at Digital Multimedia, Broadband Access, and Wireless Communications. So Please, Team-up with PBI-Brighten Your Digital View!
显示全部Datasheet产品规格书 官网:www.pbi-china.com
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